Interview with Mr. Okka Phyo Maung, co-founder and CMO of RecyGlo Myanmar

Interview with Mr. Okka Phyo Maung, co-founder and CMO of RecyGlo Myanmar

A few words about your business in Myanmar and the sector you are working in?

At RecyGlo, we're committed to providing environmentally friendly recycling solutions to Business and individual using our innovative logistics solution and market place for waste and second-hand training platform in South East Asia. Founded in May 2017, our mission is to process the materials in a safe, non-hazardous manner in a scale at the source — with an aim to keep the world environmentally clean. We believe in promoting smart recycling and waste management habits to achieve long-lasting results.


What is your company’s strategy in Myanmar?

To go deep into the SME sector particularly in hospitality for their waste management. Then, we want to go to other cities where tourism has a significant influence on them.  

We want our country to be more presentable to tourists when they come to our country.  Imagine Myanmar where every person sorts their waste, and advanced and convenient, recycling, upcycling and composting solutions even industrials waste are adequately managed.


What were your perceptions of Myanmar before your arrival?

Myanmar has been a home for18 years, and I left the county for about ten years.  Initially, I did not want to leave my comfortable lifestyle in advanced economies, but I decided to take the risk and become tech entrepreneurs.

I came back for a short period in 2013, the change was starting, but I was not significant. So a lot of people went back to where they are from.  2017 was a good year for Myanmar while the slowdown in 2018.


And Now?

Things have been changed here quite dramatically from being in the extreme poverty of Lease developed country to become an emerging economy with one of the highest economic growth.  I am hoping to get the first mover advantage in this frontier market, quickly expand the business into South East Asia and South Asia.


 How did you adapt to Myanmar? Your best advice for newcomers?

Localization is quite important. You need to do some key hire to integrate into the organization and market. There are a lot of highly motivated individuals. However, they might not have the right skill set or training for what you need for the job. Starting with internship and on the job training is highly recommended for entry to even mid-level position.


What improvements have you seen in your industry in the last few months?

The waste management industry is known for 3Ds (Dirty, Difficult and Dangerous) and the market is fragmented and lots of problems to be solved. Recyglo is helping the market to be less-fragmented and more fluid. We tackle the problem from different aspects. We prioritize the question that is urgently needed to be solved especially when the timing is right. We do a lot of educational part along the way. Educating the market is not cheap, so we have a balance on education, revenue, and growth.


 What are the key messages you would like to share with our members regarding the business environment in Myanmar?

I used to live in Paris and Nice. My French does not get better, but the cultural understanding of France and its people has been significantly increased. We are looking for the strategic partners that can take the growth of Recyglo in the ASEAN and South Asia region.


What has CCI France Myanmar done to support you and your activity?

We are new to CCI. We want to serve the French companies and community for their waste management. Currently, more than 70% of international clients are French. We want to stay close to the French community and understand what their needs and genuinely listen to the voice of our clients.


What is your motto?

Our motto is “If you like Croissant, stay close with France."