First Stone Ceremony Dinner of CCI France Myanmar

First Stone Ceremony Dinner of CCI France Myanmar

On 14th November, CCI France Myanmar, the French Myanmar Chamber of Commerce, held its First Stone Ceremony Dinner, at Times City in Yangon, marking the beginning of the fitout work of its new business centre, LeBooster Yangon, which will open on the 16th floor of the Office Tower 2 of Times City, in January 2020.

Moving to Times City offers a new beginning to CCI France Myanmar, who will be able to expand its activities and services on stronger grounds, and to offer a better environment to the international companies renting offices in its Business Centre.

Indeed, LeBooster Yangon will offer larger volumes, higher ceilings, more natural light, glass partitions and more modern design. It will double its total and the size of the offices of their tenants, as well as offer a separate room dedicated full time to training and business events. All that at lower and more competitive rates.

“7 French companies have already signed to have their offices located in this new business centre, because of the competitive and flexible lease offered by our Chamber, the attractiveness of our business centre and of Times City, as well as by the direct contact that LeBooster Yangon will offer with the Hub France Myanmar”, declared Mr. Guillaume REBIERE, Executive Director of CCI France Myanmar.

Indeed, LeBooster Yangon will be located in the middle of the HUB France Myanmar, a cluster of 15 international companies Members of CCI France Myanmar, who will move their offices to Times City in 2020.

This proximity and concentration of so many large and international companies will offer new business opportunities to the tenants of LeBooster Yangon, in addition to giving them a better visibility and image, due to the quality of the location and of its tenants.

“We hope that this will help attract new foreign companies willing to invest and settle in Myanmar, even if our business centre will be, of course, open to anyone”, concluded Mr. Guillaume REBIERE.

CCI France Myanmar will open its new office and business centre at Times City on 7th January 2020.