Terms & Conditions for Privileges Card

By filling in this form, I hereby confirm that I wish to register our company in the Privilege Card Program implemented by CCI France International network, and give access to the exclusive promotional offer mentioned above to all members of CCI France Myanmar and of CCI France International network, upon presentation of their Privilege Card. I also confirm that I have the necessary authority in my company to offer this privilege.

By filling in this form, I also confirm that I will make sure that my company implements the necessary measures (internal communication, training of our staff, stock of products, and so on) for this privilege to be accessible to the Members of CCI France International when they present their Privileges Card.

I understand that CCI France Myanmar reserves the right to delete this offer from its website and other communications in case of negative feedback from its Members or from Members of the CCI France International network, or in case it appears that not all necessary means have been implemented by my company to ensure that Members of CCI France International can benefit from this privilege in normal conditions.

In return, I authorize CCI France Myanmar to publish this offer on its website, to advertise it to its Members, to send it to all the French Chambers of Commerce around the world, and to promote our company, services and products on every given occasion.

When sending this form, I understand that my offer will be submitted for approval to CCI France Myanmar, and such approval is at the CCI France Myanmar’s discretion and will be confirmed by email.

I also understand that CCI France Myanmar may share my contact information with Members of the CCI France International network in relation to the Privilege Card Program, but that these contact information will not be shared with other parties for commercial purposes.