France vs NZ Wine and Cheese Competition

France vs NZ Wine and Cheese Competition
27 février 2020
6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
Le Cellier
20.00 USD for member 30.00 USD for non-member

Back by popular demand, we are very pleased to announce the third edition of the NZ vs France Wine and Cheese Competition.

This fun (but of course competitive) competition between the NZ Chamber and CCI France involves one red wine, one white wine, and three types of cheese imported directly from each country for this event.

Last year NZ took the honours for the best wine and best cheese as voted by our guests. The French will be hot on the heels of the Kiwis to win this year!

The event is not only a fantastic opportunity to sample some outstanding wine and cheese, but also a chance to connect with other professionals from the Yangon business community in a relaxed setting.

Thank you to our sponsors who have made this event possible:

: The Warehouse

: Cellar Door

: My Jobs

: Fonterra

To reserve your spot, please email, for roosters or for kiwis.

As in previous years, we anticipate a high turnout for this event, so please register early, as capacity is limited.

Admission prices:

Member: 20 USD

Non Member: 30 USD
