Time management workshop

Time management workshop
04 novembre 2020
2:30 PM - 3:30 PM
0.00 USD for member

In this one-hour workshop, Ania Muchnicka will give you the opportunity to practive one tool to improve your time management and change your approach to work.

This short webinar is an introduction of training that Ania delivers to companies to help employees solve time management challenges.

If you are interested, please contact Pascaline at business.manager@ccifrance-myanmar.org.

| Why you should attend?

Solve time management challenges like lateness, interruptions, dead time, distractions, disorganised people with practical tool. Employees will practice tools to improve their work satisfaction and performance.

|For whom is this training?

Myanmar and foreigners - all level employees who want to improve their time management skills through practice and tools. The more diverse the group of people, from different hierarchical levels, cultures and backgrounds - the more effective and creative solutions will be generated and the better you will understand different approaches to time management. 


The training is based on experiential learning. Participants are involved, practice tools and analywe their behavior, discuss insights and implement new knowledge in their work. Participants consult the trainer with individual needs. The knowledge conveyed during the training is based on best time management tools, behavioral psychology, action learning and best practice in business

|For members only and limited to 15 participants

Registrations are accepted on a first-come first-served basis